Monday, November 10, 2008

The open road

I finally got a car! It has raised my happiness level tremendously because I'm no longer a prisoner in my apartment. Yesterday I went on a mini shopping spree and upgraded from 4cm of futon padding to 8cm. Life is good.

Driving on the left side of the road has not been a problem at all (i.e. I've not gone cruising down the wrong side yet). My only problem is that the controls on the steering column are reversed, so the windshield wipers start every time I try to use my blinkers, and I turn on my blinkers every time I try to shift into drive.

I also went on a really cool waterfall hike 2 weeks ago (on Mt. Myoko). I have to throw in some pics of that. I'll update these pics when I receive more from a fellow teacher's camera.

1 comment:

ChefG said...

What a picturesque landscape, like straight out of Tolkien fantasy world. Great photos.