Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tom Cruise

Last night was my impromptu welcoming party. I met up with another Interac teacher (Franchesca), her fiance (Kelsey, he's a JET), and the infamous Ian. Ian is the teacher that I replaced (see Into the fire). It turns out that he is an extremely thoughtful and generous person and his beef was actually with Interac and not the schools... but I won't go into it here.

Anyway, we met up for dinner, went around to a few places for drinks, had lots of laughs, I learned a LOT of Japanese that I don't remember, and I started to fade around 4:30AM. I'm really thankful that they covered taxi rides in my Japanese learning tapes because I had no problem (I think) telling the driver my destination. The only problem was that I've not learned my address yet (It's written in kanji), so I had to take the cab to the train station and stumble home from there. I'm extremely surprised I made it all night without being sick, but I am a victim of the dreaded day-long hangover.

In other news, work has improved a lot. I had dinner with two other teachers here in Joetsu last Wednesday and they gave me some great advice. The reminded me that that I'm not a teacher, but basically a clown. My job is to entertain the kids so they have a good time and enjoy using English. I guess I was putting too much pressure on myself to TEACH. 

So lately I've been having a great time at work... just acting stupid and making the kids/teachers laugh as I drill the target vocab and grammar. I've even made a few fans in the Jr. high, because I'm single (they made sure to ask that during the question-answer session) and because I supposedly look like Tom Cruise (WTF?). Apparently most Westerners get told they look like a celebrity, because we all look the same to them (which is fair, because sometimes they all look the same to us), but why did I get Tom Cruise? I was kinda hoping to get Brad Pitt.

1 comment:

Mie said...

Tom Cruise...I think it's because your hair is black now. If you were a blondy, you would probably get Brad. Ha ha!!! Oh well! My friends who taught English in Japan said the same thing about teaching. You have to entertain. But the students get "native" English speaking teacher. I had an old, grouchy Japanese teacher who taught us Japlish. He couldn't pronounce most of the words and he used to get upset when one of my classmates, who transferred from LA, read the textbook soooo English way. I was so young back then that I fell in love with this boy right after he read it. OMG! ~ Mie