I informed Interac (the company I'm working for, which has been awesome), and they told me that they'll get back to me next week with a departure date and maybe some placement options. They said that I'll be an alternate, which means I'll go to Tokyo and do my training while we wait for another teacher somewhere in the country to quit.
I also told Brendan that instead of staying all winter, I'll probably be moving out this month. He said something along the lines of "Of course you're moving soon, the good roommates can never stay long". But he's excited for me. I'm excited too, but a little disappointed that I'll be leaving after I just got used to the long, uphill ride into Palolo valley.
Yay! Russ is going to Japan!!! See I told you, these things usually have weird ways of working themselves out. I'm sad tho since you'll be far away, but exited at the possibility of going to visit you next year.
Wow dude, what a journey... and it's only just begun! Can't wait for the next episode. As far as pitstops go, Hawaii isn't too shabby! Hey, you should check out the Sounds of Aloha barbershop chorus if you're in waikiki, for kicks. But I'm sure you've got lots to do. Great to hear/read from you!
Nice one Russ-san! I'm glad it all worked out dude. Phil left for Korea yesterday, he will stay there for a week, then go to Japan for 2 weeks. You should email him. Congratulations my friend!
Awww...now you're going to be so much farther away from us. But I'm so glad everything worked out fine with your work visa. And yes, I guess it's time for me to let you go :( lolx.. Anyways I hope you have the time of your life in Japan though. :P You better post lots of kool pics! :P
Hi Russ,
Congratulations! I can't wait to hear from you from Japan. Dr. Lucky is going to Japan next month or so. She is pretty excited, too. We also have a new O-chem teacher from Osaka, Japan this semester. Gan-batte-ne!
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